Photos with ZENIT ET, part 2

Greetings! a few weeks ago I took my Zenit ET for a spin again. I decided it’d be cool to have some images from around where I live in winter time. I did the same in summer, but it was with FED-2. It was great taking pics with FED-2, but it was also not comfortable because of no built-in exponometer.
With Zenit it’s better, and images turn out nicer. So I tried to take some shots at the same spot I did in summer time, I’ll post comparison below :)
Also it looks like the development screwed some of the shots yet again… smeared the film with an ugly white stripe :/

It was harsh taking these shots, weather in the morning was freezing and I almost froze my fingers off :D
In the end though, I think I did great, I am pretty happy with these images :)

And here are the shots of same spots in summer and winter:

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