
UPDATE: Photobucket ripper

Important: new version released along with new PB design. Read more about it here: http://9v.lt/blog/photobucket-ripper-update/

First I wrote about a method to grab someone else’s pictures from photobucket and I provided a script to do so, even though the method was working, the script was rather primitive and not automated at all… well it was OK for my one time use. But now when I have more stuff to grab and I have to update the album constantly, it is not very nice as I have to do it all over again.
So I decided I’ll make a better, fully automated script and here it is.

To use the script you will need to install a “mechanize” library for Python (and of course python itself, lol), but don’t worry, I provided everything.
As a developer I like to keep things simple and with this script, ripping those pictures is really simple.
If the file already exists, it will skip it.

The script with required libraries can be downloaded here: PhotobucketGetter.zip

Now the usage is very simple. Run it with a -h parameter to see the help.

$ python PhotobucketGetter.py -h
usage: PhotobucketGetter.py [-h] -u  [-p] [-f] [-d] [-n] [-t]

Script to grab and save pics from a photobucket album automatically

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -u , --url       Album URL
  -p , --passwd    Album password (if any)
  -f , --filter    What to download (pic/vid/all)
  -d , --dir       Where to download (folder name)
  -n, --nofolder   If this is used, then downloaded files will not be put in
                   separate folders
  -t, --terminate  If to terminate on error or continue grabbing

So, if the album you want to rip doesn’t have a password, just input

PhotobucketGetter.py -u URL

if album has a password, add additional “-p mypasswd” parameter.

Other options are optional, add “-f pic” to download pictures, “-f vid” to download just videos, or “-f all” or don’t add it at all, to download everything.
“-d” parameter is to specify how to name the folder where everything will be put – default is “PhotobucketGetter”.

Now the script itself is a bit complicated, but easy to understand (if that makes sense :P)

Script to grab pics from a photobucket album automatically
and save them locally. Provide password if the album is protected
and the album URL.
If you really like this script, then consider a small donation for
my sleepless efforts keeping this script working and up-to-date.
Go to my website: http://9v.lt and press a Donate button on the right :)
Author: Kulverstukas
Website: http://9v.lt
Shouts to Evilzone.org and Programisiai.lt
Version: 0.5
import os
import sys
import re
import urllib
import mechanize
from argparse import ArgumentParser
class ImageMethods:
    def downloadImages(self, links, browser):
        errorCounter = 0
        linksList = [i.strip() for i in re.split(',\s{2,}', links)]
        print "* Found "+str(len(linksList))+" images..."
        print "* Compiling regex patterns and downloading the pictures..."
        picUrl = re.compile('url: "(https?://(.*?)\.photobucket\.com/albums/(.*?))",')
        picName = re.compile('title: "(.*?)"')
        counter = 1
        for link in linksList:
            name = picName.search(link).group(0).replace("title: \"","")[:-1]
            name = stripSymbols(name)
            if (noFolder == False):
                if (name == ""):
                    name = noNamePic
                if (os.path.exists(mainFolder+'/'+name) == False):
            picLink = picUrl.search(link)
            picLink = picLink.group(0).replace("url: \"", "")[:-2]
            fileName = os.path.basename(picLink)
            fullPath = ""
            if (noFolder):
                fullPath = "%s/%s" % (mainFolder, fileName)
                name = mainFolder
                fullPath = "%s/%s/%s" % (mainFolder, name, fileName)
            if (os.path.exists(fullPath)):
                print '%d. Retrieving "%s" into "%s" folder' % (counter, fileName, name)
                print "*** "+name+'/'+fileName+" exists. Skipping..."
                    size = CalculateSize().calculateSize(browser.open(picLink).info().get("Content-Length"))
                    print '%d. Retrieving "%s" into "%s" folder -- Size: %s' % (counter, fileName, name, size)
                    urllib.urlretrieve(picLink, fullPath)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    print " Terminating..."
                except Exception as e:
                    if (terminate):
                        print " Terminating with message: %s" % e
                        print " Error grabbing this image. Continuing..."
                        errorCounter += 1
            counter += 1
        return errorCounter
    def grabSlideshowData(self, htmlCode):
        data = re.search("PB\.Slideshow\.data \= \[\n.*\];", htmlCode)
        if (data == None):
            print "*** Something went wrong grabbing picture data. Terminating..."
        data = data.group(0).replace("PB.Slideshow.data = [", "").replace("];", "").strip()
        return data
class VideoMethods:
    def downloadVideos(self, list, browser):
        errorCounter = 0
        counter = 1
        print "* Found "+str(len(list))+" videos..."
        for item in list:
            url = item[0]
            name = item[1]
            name = stripSymbols(name)
            if (noFolder == False):
                if (name == ""):
                    name = noNamePic
                if (os.path.exists(mainFolder+'/'+name) == False):
            fileName = os.path.basename(url)
            fullPath = ""
            if (noFolder):
                fullPath = "%s/%s" % (mainFolder, fileName)
                name = mainFolder
                fullPath = "%s/%s/%s" % (mainFolder, name, fileName)
            if (os.path.exists(fullPath)):
                print '%d. Retrieving "%s" into "%s" folder' % (counter, fileName, name)
                print "*** "+name+'/'+fileName+" exists. Skipping..."
                    size = CalculateSize().calculateSize(browser.open(url).info().get("Content-Length"))
                    print '%d. Retrieving "%s" into "%s" folder -- Size: %s' % (counter, fileName, name, size)
                    urllib.urlretrieve(url, fullPath)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    print " Terminating..."
                except Exception as e:
                    if (terminate):
                        print " Terminating with message: %s" % e
                        print " Error grabbing this video. Continuing..."
                        errorCounter += 1
            counter += 1
        return errorCounter
    def grabVideoLinks(self, html):
        list = []
        pattern = "<img src\=\""+album.replace(".", "\.")+".*/>"
        matchObj = re.search("http://(.*?)\.", pattern)
        pattern = pattern.replace(matchObj.group(0), "http://[\w\d]*\.")
        rawList = re.findall(pattern, html)
        videoName = ""
        videoUrl = ""
        for link in rawList:
            # grab the video name and trim crap from it
            videoName = re.search("title=\"(.*?)\"", link).group(0).replace("title=\"","")[:-1]
            # grab the video url and leave only the URL to video
            videoUrl = re.search("alt=\"(.*?)\"", link).group(0).replace("alt=\"","")
            videoUrl = videoUrl.replace(re.search("\s(.*?)\"", videoUrl).group(0), "")
            videoUrl = os.path.join(album, videoUrl)
            list.append((videoUrl, videoName))
        return list
class CalculateSize:
    def calculateSize(self, bytes):
        abbrevs = ["kB", "mB", "gB"]
        if (bytes == None):
            size = "0 kB"
            bytes = float(bytes)
            if (bytes < 1024.0):
                size = "%d B" % (bytes)
                for abbrev in abbrevs:
                    if (bytes >= 1024.0):
                        bytes = bytes / 1024.0
                        size = "%.2f %s" % (bytes, abbrev)
        return size
def stripSymbols(input):
    badSymbols = ['\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|']
    replacement = '~';
    i = ''
    for i in badSymbols:
        input = input.replace(i, replacement);
    return input
def begin():
    print '\n* Creating "%s" folder...' % mainFolder
    if (os.path.exists(mainFolder)):
        print "*** Folder exists. Skipping..."
    print "* Initiating connection to Photobucket..."
    browser = mechanize.Browser()
    browser.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)')]
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print " Terminating..."
    except Exception as e:
        print " Terminating with message: %s" % e
    # see if the album has a password field
    rawHtml = ""
    for form in browser.forms():
        if (form.name == "frmLogin"):
            if (passwd == ""):
                print "*** Album requires password, none given. Terminating..."
            print "* Album requires password... using '"+passwd+"'"
            browser.form["loginForm[password]"] = passwd
            print "* Submitting password..."
    if ((filter == "pic") or (filter == "all")):
        print "* Reading image HTML code..."
        rawHtml = browser.open(album+slideshowFilter).read()
        imgMethods = ImageMethods()
        slideshowData = imgMethods.grabSlideshowData(rawHtml)
        errors = imgMethods.downloadImages(slideshowData, browser)
        if (terminate == False):
            print "     There were %d skipped images while grabbing" % errors
        print "     Done grabbing images!"
    if ((filter == "vid") or (filter == "all")):
        print "* Reading video HTML code..."
        rawHtml = browser.open(album+videoFilter).read()
        vidMethods = VideoMethods()
        links = vidMethods.grabVideoLinks(rawHtml)
        errors = vidMethods.downloadVideos(links, browser)
        if (terminate == False):
            print "     There were %d skipped videos while grabbing" % errors
        print "     Done grabbing videos!"
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Script to grab and save pics from a photobucket album automatically")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', help='Album URL', required=True, metavar="")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--passwd', help='Album password (if any)', metavar="")
parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', help='What to download (pic/vid/all)', default="all", metavar="")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', help='Where to download (folder name)', default="PhotobucketGetter", metavar="")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--nofolder', help='If this is used, then downloaded files will not be put in separate folders', action="store_true")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--terminate', help='If to terminate on error or continue grabbing', action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
#====== global vars, change values here ======
noNamePic = 'NoName'
slideshowFilter = "?albumview=slideshow"
videoFilter = "?mediafilter=videos"
mainFolder = args.dir
album = args.url
passwd = args.passwd
filter = args.filter
noFolder = args.nofolder
terminate = args.terminate
if ((filter != 'pic') and (filter != 'vid') and (filter != 'all')):
    filter = 'all'
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